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Nnamdi Kanu vindicated as Facebook CEO Admits Censoring Activist Posts

Nnamdi Kanu vindicated as Facebook CEO Admits Censoring Activist Posts Recall that the leader of the Separatist Movement in Nigeria, Mazi Nn...

Nnamdi Kanu vindicated as Facebook CEO Admits Censoring Activist Posts

Recall that the leader of the Separatist Movement in Nigeria, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu of the Indigenous People Of Biafra has on many occasions accused the Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg of censoring his post and that of many outspoken activists within Nigeria State in a bid to cover state-sponsored-terrorism of the Buhari regime.

Days ago, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg publicly admitted, in US Congressional Hearings, to censoring posts of Vietnam's activists at request of the Vietnamese government.

In what looks like a sheered conspiracy of silence and negligence when it patterns the plight of Biafrans people, Amnesty International (AI) has given the Vietnam activists a rail by demanding end to Facebook censorship shame in Vietnam.

"Facebook, for 64 million people in Vietnam, is not a place where people can express their political opinions freely. What's more, the extent of the complicity by "big Tech" in Vietnam's censorship regime is quickly making Facebook and YouTube human right-free zones in Vietnam.

"Take action and demand end Facebook ends it censorship shame in Vietnam__Amnesty Report on Vietnam censorship

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