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Friday, March 14


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Unending Biafra War: Orlu, The Epicenter of Civilian Massacre

 Unending Biafra War: Orlu, The Epicenter of Civilian Massacre In the year 1966, especially after the killing of Major General Thompson Umun...

 Unending Biafra War: Orlu, The Epicenter of Civilian Massacre

In the year 1966, especially after the killing of Major General Thompson Umunnakwe Aguiyi-Ironsi, over three hundred (300) Biafrans in Nigerian army were unjustifiably killed. The killing of the officers would not assuage the hunger for blood by the Fulanis who hide under the cover of thick Hausa population, to carry out the mayhem as incitedly dictated by the British government that then controlled the media. The Nigerian army became complicit with non-state actors in the murder of fellow citizens.

The killing of Biafrans started as far back as 1945 in Jos and continued in 1953 for pursuing self-determination as moved by late Chief Anthony Enahoro. Another riot erupted then and this time around, in Kano. Many Biafrans were murdered and their murderers got a pass from the British colonial government for a job well executed. So the struggle for self-determination as well as the killings with brazen impunity well predated Nigeria's independence.

The Biafra/Nigeria war recorded unmitigated massacre of civilians by the Nigerian soldiers. The unethical conduct of mass execution of prisoners of war (POW), bombardment of schools, markets, hospitals, refugee camps and other civilian areas were well documented. There was no screaming headlines but a conspiratorial media blackout. This is the same trend that has continued till today.

Orlu, in Imo State, Biafraland, has been in the news for the wrong reasons. It is simple. Like other ethnic/tribal groups, Biafrans have had their fair share of Fulani caliphate romance with trouble, killing and destruction. Unlike other security outfits and tribes (except Amotekun in Yorubaland), Eastern Security Network (ESN), was setup to solely contain the rampaging Fulani terrorists that disguise as herdsmen. 

Interestingly, instead of the Fulani controlled Nigerian army to expectedly have an ally in Eastern Ssecurity Network (ESN), assuming they are indeed fighting Fulani orchestrated wave of insecurity and teerorism, they are busy providing lavish cover for the Islamists. They have abandoned Boko Haram and ISWAP ravaged Nupe, Bachama, Beron, Tiv, Gbagi, Kanuri, Hausa and Junkun lands across Niger, Taraba, Plateau, Katsina, Borno and Benue States including Abuja and are in relatively peaceful Biafraland especially Orlu, wrecking havoc.

The tragedy however, is in knowing fully well where to find ESN operatives but choosing to go to Orlu urban area to abduct, torture, shot at sight and kill unarmed, innocent civilians that are going about their business, is most callous. This calls into question the professionalism and seriousness at which the Nigerian military is really fighting terrorism.

Whenever there is a loss of life of a Nigerian soldier in the Southern part of Nigeria, there is always a disproportionate unethical visitation of mayhem on such communities before proper investigations if they are really, are carried out. Such a treatment has never occurred in the North which has a history of unlawful killings of soldiers.

The Nigerian army is massacring Biafran civilians in Orlu and as usual, the Nigerian media is tacitly encouraging it and running victim-disgraceful narratives. Such is the degree of deterioration of journalism in Nigeria. These relentless extra-judicial killings in Orlu, have followed a predictable pattern. The victims of the colonial, pre-independence, post-independence era, deserve justice. Orlu people deserve justice.

Just as it was fifty one (51) years ago during the pogrom, will the local and international media yield to British influence by pretending to be stupendously ignorant or running paid narratives? Only time shall tell. The headlines across board should therefore be: "Nigerian Army Is Committing Crime In Orlu And Should Be Held Accountable". Any other headline other than this is purely biased, self-serving and suspect.

Written and edited by Chibueze Daniel

For Family Writers Press International.


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