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Thursday, March 13


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Political Infiltration Of The Catholic Church In Nigeria: The Caliphate's Strategy

Political Infiltration Of The Catholic Church In Nigeria: The Caliphate's Strategy In this regime of tyranny and continued state-sponsor...

Political Infiltration Of The Catholic Church In Nigeria: The Caliphate's Strategy

In this regime of tyranny and continued state-sponsored subjugation and genocide in Nigeria, the analogy that "Silence is Golden" should totally not apply. That is why the bedeviling silence of the churches in Nigeria at this critical time, should be questioned. Has the hierarchy or power structure of the Catholic Church in Nigeria been captured? Has the whole church leadership in the country become a victim of political blackmail too? Why is the church demonizing the voice of freedom? If not from the altars or pulpits of men of God, where else can the voice of freedom be proclaimed without hindrances?

There is a great certainty that the church leadership will destroy the church with their own hypocrisy, if things continue this way because God is not mocked. Since the priests and pastors in Nigeria now cannot boldly speak in defense of the innocent citizens and against a government of terror, who else would? The catholic church in Nigeria which is supposed to be a shinning light and the mother church, must not shy away from her responsibility of defending the truth and opposing the act of state-sponsored terror activities by the Nigerian Government on her people. 

The ban of Reverend Father Mbaka headed
Adoration ministries in Enuguu and it's subsequent conversion to a chaplaincy by Bishop Onaga of Enugu Diocese, sends strong signals of political incursion into the house of God. This is clearly so because Father Mbaka was not convicted of any crime aside that he critically condemned the wickedness of this government in power. And more so, because this banning was not earlier pronounced by the Enugu Catholic church hierarchy before the Reverend's criticism.

Martin Luther King Junior, was a preacher of the gospel and he used his voice to defend the oppressed citizens of America at the time. He started the Revolution which unequivocally, brought racism to an appreciable minimum. He did not quit when politically pressured or terrorized. He saw it all and yet remained strong for what he believed and preached. Martin Luther stood firm on the path of integrity and defended the cause of the black man's equality. Without fear or favour and amidst assassination threats, he held his last speech in which he declared: "I have seen the mountain top but I may not get there with you". He never backed down. And today, he is being celebrated today for his courage and fearlessness.

In South Africa, we had about the Anglican Priest, Desmond Tutu, who defended the oppressed citizens of South Africa during the apartheid regime. He used the pulpit to speak truth to the powers that was then. He defended the army of the people against the foreign militants who killed men, women and children. He never stood with the oppressors. From the pulpit as an Anglican Priest, Desmond Tutu became a human rights activist, a strong voice.  And today, he is an African figure immortalized in the hearts of men for his tenacity and consistency in the defence of humanity. 

Malcolm X became a preacher and defender of the oppressed people. He suffered incarceration, but he remained a preacher and fought for the equality of man. He preached peace with the assurance that one cannot get peace while begging for it. He told his congregation at a time, "If you are slapped on one chick, I am not telling you to turn the other side". He made them to see the reason to demand for freedom which is rightfully theirs even if it is at the expense of their lives.

It is better to die fighting for freedom than to be in chains demanding for freedom. The Catholic Church and her leaders must rise up to the occasion and tell the Government the unwavering truth in defense of the indigenous citizens. If the Nigerian church cannot defend the oppressed citizens against full blown state-sponsored genocide, who then do they expect to do it?
What it then means is that gradually, the Fulani caliphate has captured the church leadership and is using it to do their dirty biddings of political oppression. Bishop Onaga of Enugu Catholic Diocese, should embrace the will of the people and not stifle the voice of freedom on the altar of political blackmail.

Written by Anioke Chukwunonso

Edited by Ogah C.S. Maduabuchi

For Family Writers Press International

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