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Thursday, March 13


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The Suspicious Ambassadorial Appointments of Ex-service Chiefs

The Suspicious Ambassadorial Appointments of Ex-service Chiefs    Nigeria as a country, from the time of her creation by Lugard, has never b...

The Suspicious Ambassadorial Appointments of Ex-service Chiefs 

Nigeria as a country, from the time of her creation by Lugard, has never been devoid of notorious plans and intentions for her poor and innocent citizens.
A popular English adage says "once a thief, always a thief". That means what makes one a thief or bad, is within and never outside his/her body. It is in the mindset and never in the headset. Evil is always inborn and no amount of water can wash it off. The plan of granting international immunities to the ex-service chiefs; the retired Lieutant General Tukur Buratai, General Abayomi G. Olonisakin and others via their appointments as ambassadors after so many atrocities of embezzlement, murder and other related crimes, is a well articulated way of concealing their dirty jobs over the years. 
Instead of probing them on some of the illegal killings of innocent citizens and embezzlement activities during their stay as service chiefs, they are being rewarded for inventing and orchestrated wickedness. Especially, the embezzlements of billions of naira meant for purchase of arms under Lieutant-General Buratai (which was what late General Attahiru was proposing to do before his rather suspicious death through a plane crash, which has since been swept under the carpet). 
Is it that the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC),  Department of State Services (DSS), Economic and Financial Crimes Commission ( EFCC) and their likes, have compromisingly become parts of the conspiracy of the Fulani agenda? 
 This has gone beyond normalcy, as the ambassadorial appointment of these two demonic lords of low conscience ex-servicemen particularly, are targeted at Benin Republic and Cameroun respectively, serving as good channels to lobby and persuade the various Southern bordered nations to continuously seal their borders and make it harder and difficult for the Eastern and Western regions to survive. The Northern borders remain very much open for their Fulani brothers to flood into Nigeria, from every nations of the universe and kill as many as they can. The manner at which this is happening, shows a strong biasness of the government led by Muhammadu Buhari and his cabals. How come they can probe a sitting Senator but cannot probe the ex-service chiefs? 
What are the criteria for the appointments of these ex-service chiefs? What justice has the citizens against people who abuse powers in government? Or is the nation being ruled by the devil or tyrants? 
Everything really looks fishy and the handwriting on the wall portend danger. 
Written by Onyemachi Gabriel
Edited by Chukwuemeka Okechukwu
For Family Writers Press International

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