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African Taliban: Pawns Of The Globalists, Projected Against Biafrans (Part 1)

 African Taliban: Pawns Of The Globalists, Projected Against Biafrans (Part 1) Current happenings in Afghanistan and with regards to the Uni...

 African Taliban: Pawns Of The Globalists, Projected Against Biafrans (Part 1)

Current happenings in Afghanistan and with regards to the United States government's evacuation of entrapped citizens, few things have really become uncontestable. Under the leadership of the former President, Mr. Donald John Trump, it was quite obvious that the United States of America, was never conspiratorial and peace was truly achievable. 

For the umpteenth time, the globalists are behind the One World Government (OWG) or New World Order (NWO), which dictionary definitions intentionally and erroneously give interpretation to. The Oxford dictionary definition says that globalists are: "persons who advocate for the planning of economic and foreign policies, in relation to events and developments throughout the world". Just carefully observe how they overuse and misuse the terms, “multiculturalism and utopia”, to deceive the gullible.  They are the Eugenics who promote uncontrolled abortion and population reduction especially, among the poor.

This set of people are mostly white liberals with woke privileges that seek to edit the history of their past unjust and inhuman activities like  “slavery.”

One thing these eugenics desire most, is to “control.” They see human sufferings as necessary and use the instrument of “fear” to achieve their goal.

Since they control the “military industrial complex”, “big pharmaceutical companies”, and the “big tech mainstream media”, everyone and everything else remains expendable for profit maximization.

The military industrial complex causes endless wars across the globe, while the big pharmaceutical companies create new infections and diseases like the ravaging global Corona Virus, funded by Anthony Fauci and his friends. While all these prevail, the big tech mainstream media push their pre-planned narrative of fear, fear, and endless fear. 

Sadly, the globalists have deep pockets, moles and operatives across all creeds and tribes, including very regrettably, some, from amongst the persecuted.

The Fulani Islamists who constitute themselves as the African Taliban, form part of such operatives for the globalists. They thrive as instruments of violence and endless wars. They have their eyes set on Biafrans and Biafraland. be Continued!

Written by 

Chibueze Daniel

Edited by

Chukwunyere Emenogu

For Family Writers Press International

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