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Your Plans Against IPOB Principal Officers will backfire---IPOB warns

Your Plans Against IPOB Principal Officers will backfire---IPOB warns A report has hit the media space recently, alleging a hatchet plot of ...

Your Plans Against IPOB Principal Officers will backfire---IPOB warns

A report has hit the media space recently, alleging a hatchet plot of Nigeria government to abduct, rendition or possibly kill top leaders of the Indeginous people of Biafra(IPOB) movement, who are predominantly resident outside the African continent.

This alarm and concerns was raised by Emma Powerful, the IPOB media and publicity secretary in a press statement, asserting that a sinister plot was uncovered by the IPOB intelligence gathering unit - M-branch.

It is Important to recall that in June 2021, the Nigerian secret police had covertly infiltrated into Kenya in collaboration with their Kenyan security counterparts, Kidnapped and extraordinarily renditioned the leader of IPOB - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. This of course happened contrary to the provisions of local and International extradition laws and treaties. 

And whilst the past two years have been filled with several engagements of fierce legal cum politico-diplomatic battle between the state and the IPOB leadership to free her leader from enforced captivity, it seems that the Nigerian government is steadily growing weary of further engagements as it continues to appears like the outcomes are not promising, victory wise . Hence the attempt to use what it ultimately regards as a "trump card" to quash the Biafra question once and for all.

Nonetheless, IPOB have warned that if this plot is not discontinued forthwith but carried out as planned. The consequences on the active facilitators and collaborators alike will be dire and severe, as the movement has vowed not to continue to endure unwarranted provocations by the Nigeria state, without adequately requital.

It is quite unfortunate that the New government of Tinubu, which could have learnt considerably from the utter failure breeded by the deliberate hostile and hawkish policies of past administration, have also failed to do so, but rather choose to tread the same path, regardless of wht outcome.

The Buhari administration's desperate bid to destroy Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB has not only been fruitless but has also boomeranged adversely, with the Nigerian diplomatic image unwittingly ruined beyond recognition in the eyes of the international Community.

As the roguish and rascal propensity, coupled with the disregard to the rule of law are quite unbeholden, the wit and decision to tread the same path by the New administration, buttresses the fact that those in charge of the Nigeria state of affairs have no interest or care to rebuild what essentially has been destroyed by the past administration.

Therefore, IPOB should rightly respond with whatever means she deem equal to the provocations, and those responses would not only be justified but also welcomed as seasonable.

This is why it is important that the leaders of Nigeria retraces her roguish steps and retrospects her actions, as well as consider the consequences it might bring to the fragile entity it assumes leadership over.

Written By Enenienwite Ikechukwu

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi 

For Family Writers Press International

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