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Nigeria At 63, And The Ban Of 1st October Celebrations In Biafraland

 Nigeria At 63, And The Ban Of 1st October Celebrations In Biafraland In the heart of Nigeria's Eastern Region, a resolute and determine...

 Nigeria At 63, And The Ban Of 1st October Celebrations In Biafraland

In the heart of Nigeria's Eastern Region, a resolute and determined voice echoes through the land—a voice that speaks to the deep-seated frustrations and disenchantment of Biafran citizens.

For years, Biafran citizens have seen marginalized, overlooked, and mistreated by the Nigeria government and society at large. Therefore, as Nigeria prepares to commemorate its flag Independence Day, the Biafrans' stance is clear: they reject the Nigeria's 1st October celebrations and demand liberation from what they see as the bondage in Nigeria.

This feeling expressed by Biafran citizens is rooted in a history of political and economic marginalization. To many, Nigeria has consistently rebuffed their efforts to be treated as equal citizens. For decades, Igbo Biafrans and other clans have grappled with political exclusion and economic neglect.

One cannot ignore the scars left by decades of turmoil, including the devastating Nigerian Genocidal War of 1967-1970 on Biafra, which resulted in immense suffering and loss of life. Since that period, the wounds have never fully healed, and the promised reconciliation and integration have often felt hollow.

The disillusionment among Biafran citizens reached a tipping point with the 2023 elections. Many had hoped for a democratic process that would reflect their voices and aspirations. However, the elections were marked by irregularities, allegations of voter suppression, and a lack of transparency, leaving many to question the integrity of Nigeria's democracy.

In the face of these continued marginalization and the glaring failures of the Nigerian state, Biafran citizens are making a resounding statement—they are no longer willing to participate in Nigeria's Independence Day celebrations. They view these celebrations as a reminder of their exclusion and suffering within the Nigerian state.

The Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB), a prominent Movement advocating for Biafran independence have taken a bold step by banning Independence Day celebrations and the display of Nigeria's flag within Biafra territory on October 1st, 2023. This action signifies a profound rejection of Nigeria's authority and a call for self-determination.

As Nigeria marks 63 years of flag independence from Britain, many Biafrans question what this independence has truly meant for the nation. The disappointment is palpable, as basic amenities such as electricity, security, and good roads remain elusive for vast segments of the population. Nigeria, once hailed as the giant of Africa, grapples with corruption, insecurity, and a lack of essential infrastructure.

Free and fair elections, a cornerstone of any thriving democracy has remained a challenge in Nigeria. The nation's reputation as one of the most corrupt countries in the world continues to cast a shadow over its aspirations for progress. Every facet of Nigerian society appears tainted by corruption and mismanagement. From the political arena to law enforcement, from education to healthcare. Bribery and theft have corroded institutions that should serve the public good. This widespread corruption has perpetuated inequality and hindered development.

For Ndigbo and other Biafran clans, the toll has been particularly heavy. Decades of violence, property destruction, and marginalization have left scars that run deep. The pain of historical injustices and ongoing discrimination fuels their determination to seek an alternative path.

The rejection of Nigeria's Independence Day celebrations is a collective call for unity and self-determination among Biafran citizens. It reflects their desire to break free from a history marred by violence and inequality.

The message is clear: those seen celebrating Nigeria's flag Independence Day within Biafraland risk facing repercussions. It's a stark statement of the growing resolve within the Biafran community to assert their identity and demand recognition.

The Biafran citizens' resolve to chart a new path and demand recognition is stronger than ever. 

Written by Obulose Chidiebere

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi 

For Family Writers Press International

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