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Russia Sends a Strong Message, deploys Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, Putin says will make world ‘think twice’ for combat

 Russia deploys Satan II Known As Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, Putin says will make world ‘think twice’ for combat Putin Puti...

 Russia deploys Satan II Known As Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, Putin says will make world ‘think twice’ for combat


Putin is sending 'strategic messaging' to the US and NATO that the 'nuclear option in Ukraine remains on the table'

Russia has deployed the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles that President Vladimir Putin once said would make the world "think twice" for combat, its Roscosmos space agency said Friday. 

"The Sarmat strategic complex has been put on combat duty," Roscosmos general director Yuri Borisov said, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reported, according to the Moscow Times. 

Putin first announced Sarmat, also called "Satan II," in 2018. The ballistic missile system is capable of carrying at least 10 nuclear warheads and is intended to replace the R-36 ICBMs that are known by the NATO reporting name of Satan.

"Putin is clearly strategic messaging to the United States and NATO that nuclear option in Ukraine remains on the table," Rebekah Koffler, president of Doctrine & Strategy Consulting and a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer, told Fox News Digital.

She added that Putin "placed Russia’s nuclear forces on a special combat regime shortly after he invaded Ukraine out of the fear that the US and NATO may intervene on behalf of Ukraine. So the fallback option is the so-called escalate to de-escalate strategy, which envisions a detonation of a tactical (small yield) nuclear warhead on the battlefield, to deter US/NATO intervention."

Sarmat is a "strategic weapon, reserved for strategic targets, like the United States," Koffler, who wrote the book "Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America" and has briefed the Pentagon, the White House, National Security Council and NATO on Russia’s nuclear doctrine, explained. 

"But Putin would never attack the US homeland kinetically, especially with nuclear weapons, unless of course, Russia detects signs that we attack them first. So this Sarmat move is for deterrence purposes," she added. 


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