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After Years Of Accusing IPOB, DSS Finally Reveals Those Behind Vicious Attacks In South East

 After Years Of Accusing IPOB, DSS Finally Reveals Those Behind Vicious Attacks In South East As the popular Igbo Proverb says, "A long...

 After Years Of Accusing IPOB, DSS Finally Reveals Those Behind Vicious Attacks In South East

As the popular Igbo Proverb says, "A long night is only a sign of a near dawn".

For over three years since the advent of the unknown gunmen and other arm insurgency in the south East(hinter land of Biafra), there have been so many blind accusations regularly lavied by the Nigeria government and it's security agencies on the Mazi Nnamdi Kanu ably led Indigenious People Of Biafra(IPOB). However, at each time these accusations came, IPOB have always done her best to prove her innocence beyond every reasonable doubts, but the incorrigible Department of State Services(DSS) and other security agencies chose lies over the truth, despite knowing the real truth of whom the criminals have been.

Now, ahead of the November 11 election in Imo State, the (DSS) have said "criminals disguised as Biafra agitators are responsible for the bloody attacks in the South East". Idaminabo said the destruction and killings were simply criminality and not Biafra agitations. He exonerated IPOB from every criminality in Imo States and Southeast at large.

Wilcox Idaminabo said this on Monday at an event organised by the Center for Transparency Advocacy (CTA), ahead of the November 11 governorship election in the state. Idaminabo revealed that criminals are carrying out attacks on lives and properties in the region under the guise of agitating for the Biafra Republic. "The criminals are hiding under this guise to perpetrate killings and turn our people slaves in their own homes,” he said.

“When I led an operation to Orsu LGA, what we saw was rather gory; headless bodies littered in the bushes, and vehicles that had been abandoned. It was terrible.”

This true admission is a clear vindication of the peacefulness of IPOB, and the legitimacy of the movement's quest, which is appreciated in united nations charter that  grants right for self determination to Indigenious People across the whole universe.

Onyemachi Gabriel, reporting

For Family Writers Press International

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