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State Creation: Why The Proposed Orlu State In Southeast Is Dead On Arrival

State Creation:  Why The Proposed Orlu State In Southeast Is Dead On Arrival. The proposed creation of a new state from parts of Imo, Anambr...

State Creation:  Why The Proposed Orlu State In Southeast Is Dead On Arrival.

The proposed creation of a new state from parts of Imo, Anambra and Abia States and the proposed carving out of Ohaji/Egbema into Ákwà Ibom State are divide and rule, false flag strategy the Nigerian government and their British handlers want to systematically perpetuate the stealing and exploitation of the natural gas deposits in these areas, especially in Ohaji/Egbema of Imo State.

However, several demerits underscore that this slave masters plan pose problematic and endangers the lives and welfare of the indigenous people mostly the Ohagi people.

Economic Feasibility and Sustainability: 

Creating a new state requires significant financial investment. The costs of establishing new government infrastructure, administrative functions, and services can be enormous. Given Nigeria's existing economic challenges, these resources might be better allocated to more pressing needs or improving existing state infrastructure rather than creating a new state.

Administrative Complexity: 

Introducing a new state adds layers of bureaucracy, which can complicate governance. There would be a need for new administrative personnel, potential overlaps in jurisdiction, and the potential for increased corruption. These complexities could hinder efficient management and exploitation of the natural gas resources.

Resource Allocation and Equity: 

The creation of a new state could lead to uneven development and resource allocation within the country. It might spark similar demands from other regions, leading to fragmentation and regional inequalities. Managing natural resources should ideally benefit the entire country, not just a newly created administrative unit.

Social and Political Tensions: 

The proposal might exacerbate existing social and political tensions. Other regions may feel neglected or unfairly treated, leading to unrest. Additionally, within the proposed new state, there could be local conflicts over resource control and benefits distribution, further destabilizing the area.

Environmental Concerns:

Focusing on the exploitation of natural gas without a comprehensive environmental plan could lead to severe ecological damage. The rush to tap into these resources might overshadow necessary environmental assessments and protections, causing long-term harm to the region’s biodiversity and public health.

Diversion from Sustainable Development Goals:

Nigeria’s long-term development goals should emphasize sustainable development and diversification away from over-reliance on fossil fuels. Creating a state primarily focused on natural gas might divert attention and resources from renewable energy investments and other sustainable economic activities, undermining broader environmental and economic goals.

Historical Precedents and Lessons: 

Past experiences with the creation of new states in Nigeria have shown mixed results. Often, the intended economic and administrative benefits do not materialize as planned, leading to stagnation and inefficiency. Learning from these precedents, the government should cautiously evaluate whether the benefits truly outweigh the costs.

In conclusion, while the natural gas deposits in Ohaji/Egbema represent significant economic potential, the proposed creation of a new state to manage these resources may not be the most effective or equitable approach. A more integrated, sustainable, and balanced strategy might better serve both the people and the region at large.

Family Writers Press International.

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