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EEDC Frolicking Around With Refunds Will Not Solve The Problem Of Electricity In South East

 EEDC Frolicking Around With Refunds Will Not Solve The Problem Of Electricity In South East Since the Indigenous People Of Biafra [IPOB] Mo...

 EEDC Frolicking Around With Refunds Will Not Solve The Problem Of Electricity In South East

Since the Indigenous People Of Biafra [IPOB] Movement took it upon themself to combat epileptic electricity power supply in the southeast - an act that has been prevalent at the neglect of the supposedly elected political juggernauts over the years, the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company(EEDC) has been running around from pillar to post, seeking ways to escape responsibility for their incompetence and placket due accountability. 

From issuing press statements denying responsibility for lack of power supply – heaping it squarely on the perverse notion that EEDC as its name implies is only a distribution company, to turning around to claim that they are being owed by state governments and institutions and even shutting power supply to them. All these are aimed at diverting the blames and attention from their failures. 

Of course, recently as pressure continues to mount, certain measures have been churned out by the EEDC establishment to minimize the people's rage and animosity. Measures like promising to distribute meters freely to all residents, a phase-out of estimated post paid billings and pledging to refund accumulated backlogs of estimated post paid bills from first-third quarter of 2023. 

It is important to enhance that the over 11 billion which the EEDC is talking of refunding, is only of 2023 alone, past years' billings and overestimations are not inclusive. 

While it is left to see if the acclaimed refund would be seen through and fulfilled by the EEDC, and if there will be transparency in its process to ensure the extorted citizens gets their lots, it is also imperative to buttress that all these latest measures are crafted by the EEDC to entice the people of the South East, the IPOB movement and most recently, some of the governors in the region. And it's all in a bid to maintain its hegemon as the big elephant in the south east  - electricity wise. But it still does not solve the problem of lack of power supply in the south east. 

This is obviously because the power which EEDC supplies to the southeast is gotten and generated from the Nigerian national grid, which is treated with reckless abandon and collapses every now and again.

So, it is safe to posit that the EEDC is handicapped and cannot meet up to the expectations of their clients — residents of the SouthEast. No hard feelings! 

Thus, the need to diversify and explore other options is due and must be acknowledged by the EEDC establishment, since it is incapacitated of meeting up to the required electricity needs, and is not willing or ready to upgrade its potentials.

Morever, the Nigerian government has liberalized power generation. Hence, dependence on the national grid is no longer necessary nor should be cited as an excuse.

Thus, private sector power generation companies like the Geometric Power Limited has to be encouraged and supported. And, many more as such companies, both local and foriegn are to be encouraged to help boost and strengthen the power sector of the South East, to enable and facilitate the economic development schemes and agendas being marshaled out collectively by indigenes of the South East who are being witch-hunted by the supposed Nigerian compatriots. 

To rebuild the threshold of the former economic power house during Nigeria's first republic requires standard and uninterrupted power supply and there is no much way to insure that, other than to generate and distribute the energy to be utilised there and then in the south east. 

So, the EEDC alternatively for the collective interest and development of the homeland should step up and upgrade its potency or maintain its position and harmonize with existing and forthcoming power generation companies that would squarely be focused to ensure power is generated in the South-East for a seamless and effective results. 

The era of playing hegemonic bureaucratic politics at the detriment of the people and the development of the land is apparently over. The development of the land is now the new watchword and agenda of every Indigenous person from the southeast. Therefore, every machinations hindering this collective dream from coming to fruition will be resisted by the people who owns the land. The Indigenous People! 

Family Writers Press International

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