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NEMESIS: The Nigerian Epidemic Has Gotten To The Rich

NEMESIS: The Nigerian Epidemic Has Gotten To The Rich Since May 2023, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu assumed office, majority of the Nigerian m...

NEMESIS: The Nigerian Epidemic Has Gotten To The Rich

Since May 2023, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu assumed office, majority of the Nigerian masses regardless of political or ideological affiliations during the past election have continued to express dissatisfaction over the overbearing economic hardship and high cost of living which skyrocketed under this current administration. Irrespective of the bogeyman political card of divide and rule play, the cry over rise of abject poverty subsists. 

A translation of an Igbo Proverb will say that; "a hungry man does not know his friend." In this case it appears so, as the people spearheading the yet-to-commence scheduled protest against the Tinubu's administration are essentially from the quarters and region who ensured his enthronement against all plausible and even odds. His own kinsmen - the Yorubas, at the forefront of this, the north is also not left behind. The East,  primarily Igbos - who are the bogeymen - are resolving to feign ambivalence. 

Nevertheless, it appears the volcano has gotten to rich capitalists and entrepreneurial class, both foreign and local. Multinationals are exiting in droves and selling off assets. Their reasons: poor and inconducive business climate etc. Local Multi billionaires who enjoyed monopoly, favoritism and uninterrupted access to the economy's assets in the past administrations are now complaining of vindictiveness by this current administration. 

Likes of Aliko Dangote, Africa's richest has for days in row been in media spotlight decrying and accusing the current administration of vindictiveness against his group and investments. His recently constructed petroleum refinery has reportedly being targeted by the administration through the State-runned Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation. The story tells that the Tinubu's administration is insistently poised to import the refined petroleum products which in commercial quantity occurs naturally in Nigeria, ignoring the Dangote's newly built refinery. 

For the average mind with composed logical reasoning, this is rather the greatest, funniest at the same time.  Craziest joke of the century. To import a product of what naturally occurs within your territory from same people who explores or "pays" to exploits them in their raw state. Meanwhile, you have the means or capacity to do so. 

While Mr Dangote's lamentations and regrets are due and reasonable, it is however important to highlight that the lunacy started way long before the Dangote Refinery came into the picture. Nigeria has 4 refineries spread across the country, yet these structures are unexplainable left to rust away in its moribund state, only for successive Nigerian administrations to import Petroleum Motor spirit [PMS] products etc with subsidies incorporated to assuage the import costs. 

These supposedly state built and owned refineries have reportedly fallen under the control of those corporations - arguably western, who explores these naturally occurred crude oil products in Nigeria and then proceed to refine them outside Nigeria before selling it back to the NNPC. This has gone on way before Tinubu came along, though he has always been in the upper echelon. 

Believe it or not, the economic decadence obtained and unfolding in Nigeria today has been on for a very long period of time. A time bomb that is exploding systematically and helplessly before everyone and no one can do something about it. It was destined or rather programmed to happen. The law of cause and effect takes precedence.

The natural mineral resources have all been used as upfront collateral assets to obtained paper loans which are looted swiftly by corrupt political kleptomaniacs and banked abroad across many developed countries, without proper utilization to regenerate the funds or loans obtained. The western countries through the IMF, World Bank, the Chinese, the Indians only to mention the few knowns, all have heavy stakes and imperialistic ownership of the natural resources. 

The terms can no longer be renegotiated. Commitments and obligations must be upheld, else the international political and economic system would be weaponised against whoever dares challenges the status quo or stronghold of the Western corporate bandits. Hence, President Tinubu must do as they say, even at the cost of everyone including the likes of Dangote or his investments. 

Be that as it unfortunately may, there is no shred of doubt that Nigeria needs a total system overhaul. The epidemic is endemic. However, the possibility of Nigeria experiencing a successful revolution is below negative. There will never be a consistent, ironclad consensus amongst the Nigerians.Every now and then, the international corporations, their governments and the local champions called politicians will always triumph using ethnicity division, religious bigotry, etc.

The Nigerian identity, entity is a colonial mirage which serves its purpose and its purpose only. The only way to break the jinx of weaponised political and economic imperialism is a return to the boundaries of 1914, before the British amalgamation. Let the people confront the exploiters on their respective territories by themselves without the interference or interruption of the "Nigerian cloak". 

As long as this final, everlasting remedy is not applied. The epidemic will continue to spread and ravage until nothing is left, not even the inhabitants. But, may the divine forbid. The Biafra race will never be totally consumed or made to disappear as a consequence of a colonial construct. Biafra shall surely emerge! 

Family Writers Press International

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