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Nigeria's Political Game Of Negotiation And And The Risk Of Continuing To Detain The IPOB Leader Under Deteriorating Health Condition

 Nigeria's Political Game Of Negotiation And And The Risk Of Continuing To Detain The IPOB Leader Under Deteriorating Health Condition  ...

 Nigeria's Political Game Of Negotiation And And The Risk Of Continuing To Detain The IPOB Leader Under Deteriorating Health Condition 

Nigeria federal government under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and some Igbo politicians should be very cautious while handling issues concerning Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB). Now it has become quite obvious to the eyes of every right thinking persons who have followed the details of IPOB self determination struggle championed by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, that Nigeria state and some of the South-East politicians are playing politics with the life of the leader of IPOB.

Nonetheless, the encouraging factor at this stance is that Nnamdi Kanu has proven his legitimacy, consistency and determination to restore the sovereign state of Biafra, and free his people from the perpetual shit hole called Nigeria.

From the findings and indications gotten by Family Writers Press International's professional analysts, Nigeria government under Bola Ahmed Tinubu have continued to subject the IPOB leader to all sorts of inhuman and degrading treatments, with the motive of killing him silently and slowly, because Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is consistently insisting that it is either Biafra or death, stating  his request for a referendum date as the only subject to calm the agitation for Biafra Restoration, which he leads. 

Unfortunately, that the British government could allow, and even contributed immersely to such heights of atrocities meted against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, her own citizen, is quite appalling. The Kidnapping and renditioning of Nnamdi Kanu, added to the after silence of Britain and her human rights institutions are prove that the UN convention and charter are only valid for the people of the West. It is an evil hypocritically manipulated. The crime was draft and committed under the watch of the British government with their Kenya Sahara kidnapping squared. Very sad indeed!

This is of great concern. It is such that every right thinking persons and all the lovers of freedom should both individually or collectively rise up now to voice out. It is a great injustice against the IPOB leader. And of-course, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

It's unfortunate that the same drum of war that sounded between 1967-1970 is now echoing again, but it will be a grave mistake for Nigeria state to draw Biafrans to a battle line again.

However, it is on record that the simple message of Biafrans to Nigeria government and some Igbo politicians is that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu should be released immediately and unconditionally. There is also reminder to Igbo politicians that nothing untowards should happen to the leader of over 30 million Biafrans, as the families of every Biafran have paid a lot of sacrifices, and will not entertain anything of such.

Speaking from Orlu province of Biafraland, one mister Obinna from Orsu who pledged anonymous said he has lost all he have including his loved ones, that the single thing he can draw comfort again from, is Nnamdi Kanu freedom and good health. "I'm like a dead man, no life left for me anymore, my only hope is Nnamdi Kanu" — he said.

"If the government of the day truly want to negotiate with Nnamdi Kanu, he must first be freed to get himself well fit, before any negotiation". "Moreover, Biafrans are not willing to exchange their leader's life with freedom" . "Nigeria must note that the people are exhausted and are running out of patience". These were other statements of some youths in Biafraland.

It is more honourable to the government of Bola Ahmed Tinubu to consider the need for this territorial integrity of the upcoming nations from West Africa and set a remarkable history than to allow himself get fooled and manipulated into this impending doom that are fencing this contraption, called Nigeria, created to destroy its inhabitants. 

Biafrans are on high alert to hold their politicians responsible if anything untowards happens to their leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. 

The game to silence Mazi Nnamdi Kanu through Biafran political sellouts, calling themselves political leaders will not be allowed. In the heart of every Biafran, Nnamdi Kanu is most trusted for a collective freedom actualization. 

Igbo Politicians should be mindful of the hazard in walking bare-footed on a broken bottle. It is high time those parading themselves as the negotiator initiators do the needful to free IPOB leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu since they and their federal government cabals could not respect their own court that discharged and acquitted Mazi Nnamdi. The wrath of Biafrans cannot be contained if it ever ignited. Only one command from the leadership of the IPOB, and the rest will be story.

Family Writers Press International

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