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The Atrocities of SARS: A Call for Immediate Action Across The Eastern Region

 The Atrocities of SARS: A Call for Immediate Action Across The Eastern Region  The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) was established with t...

 The Atrocities of SARS: A Call for Immediate Action Across The Eastern Region 

The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) was established with the noble intention of combating violent crime in Nigeria. However, it has become a symbol of brutal repression and a major source of human rights abuses. The massive national outrage that culminated in the #ENDSARS protests of 2020 was a direct response to the widespread and well-documented atrocities committed by this notorious police unit. 

Despite the Nigerian government’s claims of disbanding SARS, the unit’s sinister operations appear to persist, especially in the Eastern Region of Nigeria. The continued existence and activities of SARS demand immediate attention, accountability, and comprehensive reform. 

SARS, originally conceived to address armed robbery and violent crime, soon became notorious for its egregious human rights violations and abuses. The unit’s operational practices included: 

1. Brutal Torture: SARS officers were infamous for their use of extreme physical and extrajudicial violence. Detainees were subjected to severe beatings, electric shocks, and other forms of torture. The case of Michael, a young man who was tortured to death in 2017, serves as a harrowing example. Michael was reportedly detained by SARS officers, subjected to inhumane treatment, and eventually killed. His body was discovered in a morgue under mysterious circumstances, reflecting the extent of SARS’ brutality. 

2. Extrajudicial Executions: SARS operated with impunity, often executing individuals without due process. One prominent case involved Chuka, who went missing after being detained by SARS in 2019. Chuka’s family later learned that his organs were possibly harvested and sold, adding a disturbing dimension to SARS’ operations. 

3. Illegal Organ Trafficking: The involvement of SARS in illegal organ trafficking has been a dark and disturbing aspect of their operations. Reports emerged of detainees disappearing under suspicious circumstances, with allegations that their organs were harvested and sold. This grim practice reflects a level of criminality that extends beyond mere brutality.

Despite the official disbandment of SARS following the #ENDSARS protests, reports indicate that former SARS operatives continue to engage in violent and illegal activities. The Eastern Region, particularly Abia State, has witnessed an alarming resurgence of SARS-style abuses. 

The flimsy pretext for their continued terrorism against the youths of the Eastern region are simply profiling by tribal marks, ransack in search of members of the IPOB movement or the Eastern Security Network etc. Recent instances and victims account of SARS brutality during Family Writers Press International investigation course are elaborated below:

– In Igbo communities, tribal marks are an integral part of cultural identity. However, these marks have become a dangerous identifier, sticker for SARS operatives to witch-hunt and profile Igbo youths bearing them. Young men with tribal marks are abducted, tortured, and executed based solely on their appearance. Ifeanyi, a student from Aba, was killed by SARS operatives due to his tribal marks,  which they wrongly accused him of being associated with the IPOB movement. Cases like that of Ifeanyi are bound across the entire region where SARS operatives are on the rampage.

– The practice of arresting individuals without evidence and demanding ransoms for their release persists. Ugochukwu, a mechanic from Imo State, was reported missing after being detained by individuals believed to be former SARS officers. His family was approached for a ransom, which they could not pay, leading to fears of his execution or disappearance. 

Many Igbo youths have fallen victim to extrajudicial executions carried out under the guise of searching for IPOB or ESN operatives. The Nigerian government and security forces, fully aware of the non-violent nature of the IPOB movement, have continued to target individuals with tribal or body marks. This practice is not only unjust but also reflects a deep-seated prejudice against the Igbo community.

The continued existence of SARS, despite its official disbandment, underscores the urgent need for comprehensive investigation on why their their terrorism is yet to cease in the Eastern region. SARS should be permanently scrapped for several reasons:

1. Persistent Human Rights Violations: The evidence of ongoing abuses — torture, extrajudicial executions, and illegal organ trafficking — demonstrates that SARS has evolved into a criminal organization rather than a legitimate law enforcement unit within the Nigerian police force. The continued operation of SARS, under any guise, perpetuates a cycle of violence and impunity that must be broken. 

2. Loss of Trust in Law Enforcement: The atrocities committed by SARS have eroded public trust in Nigeria’s law enforcement agencies. When a police unit becomes synonymous with brutality and corruption, it undermines the very fabric of justice and security it was meant to ensure and protect. Hence, scrapping SARS and establishing a better, accountable police unit is essential for restoring faith in law enforcement, if at all the political stakeholders are interested in such 

3. Ethnic and Cultural Discrimination: The targeting of individuals based on tribal or body marks reflects a deep-seated ethnic and cultural bias. This practice not only violates fundamental human rights but also exacerbates ethnic tensions and division. A police force that engages in such discriminatory practices has no place in a just and equitable society. 

4. Need for Comprehensive Reform: The disbandment of SARS should not be a mere formality but a catalyst for comprehensive police reform. This includes establishing clear guidelines for the use of force, implementing robust accountability mechanisms, and ensuring that law enforcement agencies operate with transparency and respect for human rights. 

The Nigerian government and local authorities, including the Abia State Governor Dr. Alex Otti and other Eastern Governors must take decisive action to address these issues. 

Family Writers Press International

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