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British Army Recruitment: Carry Your Cross, Biafra Is Not a Member Nation To NATO

British Army Recruitment: Carry Your Cross, Biafra Is Not a Member Nation To NATO In a recent turn of events, the British government through...

British Army Recruitment: Carry Your Cross, Biafra Is Not a Member Nation To NATO

In a recent turn of events, the British government through its High Commission in Nigeria, issued a plea statement urging Biafrans to consider joining the British Army, with lists of carrot-stick diplomatic benefits attached therein. This development has consequently sparked off debates across various quarters resulting in diverse opinions from Biafrans. With many Biafrans questioning the sincerity of British government's recruitment policy against the backdrop of British government's age-long deception of tricking nations into war and their recent sheer negligence and duplicitous complicity to the extraordinary rendition and the continued illegal incarceration of their citizen, Nnamdi Kanu left in DSS dungeon, Abuja since July, 2021.

To put records straight, this recruitment policy is nothing short of a disdainful contempt on the sensibilities of Ndi Igbo at this perilous moment by the British government. The alarming temerity shown by UK government coming to woo Igbo Youths to join the British Army have led many wondering what level of disregard the British have on the Igbo nation. What an effrontery? This is not only a right reply to Britain but most suitable for an age-long deceptive empire that takes pride in tricking nations into war and doom.

However, recall that Britain was among the European nations that misled  Ukrainians with fake North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) promises to help defeat Russia. Britian urged the Ukrainian government to enlist more Youths into their army so they could increase their numbers to engage Russia in a confrontational war, with pledges of British assistance. A deceptive promise that left Ukraine in a mess, leading to deaths of many Ukrainians.

In a similar fashion, during the Ekumeku and Aro expeditions, Britian masterminded the killings of Biafran Ancestors who resisted their colonial invasion of Biafra. In 1914, Britain without proper consultations, amalgamated Biafra with other regions that would later make up the country Nigeria and today, placed Biafrans in a big mess called Nigeria. Britain during the colonial era in Nigeria laid the foundation of today's plethora of problems bedeviling the indigenous peoples' in Nigeria.

Furthermore, after granting Nigeria self independence, the British government has continued to meddle in the internal socio-political affairs of Nigeria. Resulting in the series of infamous historical injustices meted against Ndị Igbo in Nigeria. Such as: Tagging the 1966 coup an "Igbo Coup" by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Advising Gowon to renege the Aburi Accord of 1967, Creation of Cross River and Rivers States out of Eastern region, Provision of military assistances to Gowon's Federal government during the genocidal war against Biafra which saw the death of over 3.5 million Biafrans. 

Taking cognizance of these historical manipulations and notoriety exhibited by British erstwhile governments, UK government having succeeded in deceiving Ukrainians into war with Russia, should note that Biafrans and Biafra are not a member nation of NATO; and so, should desist from invading the territorial integrity of Biafra in search of Igbo Youths to recruit into British Army.


Moreso, from verifiable InteInfo, it is believed that Britain together with the Federal Government of Nigeria are the sponsors of Fulani herdsmen terrorists who have been rampaging and terrorizing the Biafran region in the South Eastern part of Nigeria.

Consequently, to find a solution to curb the menace of these Fulani terrorists rampaging and killing farmers in Biafraland, of which the Southeast governors woefully failed to curtail,  Mazi Nnamdi Kanu led IPOB created and floated the Eastern Security Network (ESN) in 2020. In July 2021, the lawless Nigerian government abducted Nnamdi Kanu the British citizen from Kenya, tortured him for 8 days and then extraordinarily renditioned him to Nigeria without the British government raising concerns for the brutal violation of their citizen Nnamdi Kanu's human rights by Nigerian secret security operatives. 

Since Nnamdi Kanu was abducted till now, over 3 years has gone already and  Britain have not even attempted to rescue, release their citizen, Nnamdi Kanu, who is unlawfully detained and languishing under hard-labor in Nigeria's DSS custody in Abuja. Since the unlawful rendition of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Britain have been frolicking and friendly mingling with Nigeria's governments against their own illegally detained and extrajudicially incarcerated citizen.

It baffles one to ponder how the British government ever thought that Nnamdi Kanu's led Eastern Security Network, ESN will be handed to them to be used in their proxy cold wars with Russia.  As Britain demanded, if ESN was released to them Biafraland by now would be without any form of security which was also part of their plan in the hypocritical recruitment policy. They want to take away the only security apparatus shielding Biafrans from Fulani terrorism in Nigeria as well as to create counter militia groups in Biafraland.

Britain should understand that Biafrans are watching and should desist from scavenging for Biafran civilians to send to Ukraine in Igboland because Biafra and Biafrans are not a member nation to NATO. Igbos are not interested in joining any British army recruitment because the problems facing Biafrans right now in Nigeria were all created by British government. Every menace in Igboland which IPOB is trying to amend for the wellbeing of Ndi Igbo were fundamentally created and enabled by Britian. Since the British's creation of Nigeria, Ndị Igbo have lost quite a number of lives in the process  estimated at around 6 million people killed.

Biafrans are watching keenly haven sent their messages to the UK government, warning that "we're are not interested in joining the oppressor's Army". This development begs the question, did the Slave Master-Slave Relationship ever ended?

Your guess is as same as ours.

Family Writers Press International.

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