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Global Geopolitical Tussle: Africans, Biafrans Must Learn To Prioritize Interests Above Ideology

Global Geopolitical Tussle: Africans, Biafrans Must Learn To Prioritize Interests Above Ideology For the past few weeks, global belligerent...

Global Geopolitical Tussle: Africans, Biafrans Must Learn To Prioritize Interests Above Ideology

For the past few weeks, global belligerent escalations (diplomacy inclusive) has been recorded amidst active state-actors and super powers. From Russia threatening to amend its nuclear doctrine in response to the aggressive rhetorics trotted out by western countries namely USA, UK to allow Ukraine use long range western made weapons to strike deep inside Russia, China-US squabble over global economic dominance and the Taiwan question, to escalations between Israel and the allied forces, militias in the Levant, whom conveniently calls themselves the Axis of Resistance. They are abundantly present in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Gaza, Syria in coordination with Iran.

To be fair the issue surrounding the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the western led campaign to  'cancel Russia for vile aggression against its neighbor' was much handled sophisticatedly by Africans and the entire global south. Taking the strategic position of ambivalence and neutrality, and looking out to explore, maximize and protect their various individual, nation's interests while arguing for de-escalation and peaceful resolutions. And, as such it is safe to say that Africans for the first time in a very  long period of time made use of their brains to discern, instead of outsourcing that pivotal responsibility to already known  enemies.

However, in the case of the tension between Israel with its neighbors. Africans seems to be thrown off balance, and this unarguably is as a result of the religious factor and attachment by Africans to either side of the divide. Since, the Hamas incursion into Israel nearly a year ago. The polity in Africa has been divided along these lines. Statistically Africans in the northern hemisphere of the continent have always had a soft spot for the Palestinian cause and animosity towards Israel, while down south with exception of South Africa, has a soft spot for Israel and defends its actions. Both of these divides and polity are inspired by religious undertone - Islam and Christianity or more extensively, Judaism.

In Nigeria, this is also the case respectively with the north in support of islamic divide and the south in support of Israel. In Biafraland until recently there has been a total expression of solidarity by the majority of the population towards Israel, as a result of the strong existence of judeo-christain ideology therein. These sentiments still dwells, however due to existential demands for awareness in global politics which is devoid of sentiments - religious or ideological - there has been a notable drop in it. Though, the desired result is not yet attained.

Irrespective of how religious ideologies are designed to unite people beyond color or race. The existential reality of politics and all that it connotes juxtaposes that and thus compelling individual nations, race to activate self preservation instincts to secure, their own race abandoning their 'brothers in arm', religious/ideological wise.

Examples of this scenario are bound. Most recent instance of this is demonstrated after the assassination of Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Nasrallah and subsequent bombings by Israeli forces in Lebanon including civilian populated areas, Lebanese who hosted African immigrants as their menial workers, abandoned them in the streets of Lebanon amidst the violence and fled to safety with their own kiths and kins.

Human/women rights activist (@tastefullysauce) alongside other activists has been at the forefront of other lamenting the discrimination of these African immigrants mostly women, by Lebanese, advocating for the provision of shelter for them. Suffice to say, that these immigrants when interviewed had a strong disdain for Israel and its aggression but this did not stop them from being abandoned at the mercy of death when it knocks.

To bring this to a relative and assimilable context, during the Biafra genocidal war of 1967-70, the countries who stood idly by and even sponsored the genocide against Biafrans were majority of those who professed the judeo-christain creed and faith. And, should there be a repetition of such scenario, hopefully not. They would do it again as long as their interests does not align with the survival of the Biafran race or quest for self-détermination.

As these tensions continues to escalate with the possibility of another global war not ruled out. Africa in general and Biafraland in particular is way too strategic to maintain the neutrality stance for the entire period of this global turbulence. At some point we would be sucked in, to become active players. This is a futuristic projection anyways.

In light of this, we must imbibe the principle of aligning with our interests in self-preservation as a race, not as a result of any ideological or religious sentiments. Should there be any reason to align based on religious/ideological affiliations, it should be only after national/racial interests must have aligned. This priority must not be left to exist within the leadership circle but must permeate into the very rudiments of the society - the people. This is the only way to sustain those interests even in hard times and challenges. The people are the backbone of the society.

Self preservation is the first law of the universe, for it is only when one self aware to preserve him/herself, only then can it defend itself from aggression.

Family Writers Press International

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