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Simon Ekpa: A Betrayal Possessed by Evil and Fueled by Hubris

 Simon Ekpa: A Betrayal Possessed by Evil and Fueled by Hubris Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the visionary leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IP...

 Simon Ekpa: A Betrayal Possessed by Evil and Fueled by Hubris

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the visionary leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), once warned Simon Ekpa not to allow the devil to take control of his actions. Today, we are witnessing the consequences of Ekpa’s disregard for that warning. Possessed by an evil spirit, his betrayal of the Biafran struggle has reached unimaginable depths. But when did this possession take hold? It was the very moment he believed he could do all things without the guidance of the Directorate of State (DOS)—the body entrusted by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to steer the ship of IPOB.

Simon Ekpa’s descent into chaos began with his arrogance, thinking that he could challenge the authority of the DOS and act on his own. This dangerous pride became his downfall. By isolating himself from the legitimate leadership of IPOB, Ekpa opened himself to negative influences that have led him into partnership with the enemies of the Biafran cause. His actions no longer reflect the values of IPOB but instead serve the interests of the Nigerian government, which seeks to discredit Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and paint IPOB as a violent, extremist group.

From that moment of rebellion against the DOS, Ekpa’s actions took a dark turn. His incitement to violence, orders of unnecessary lockdowns, and the chaos he has unleashed in the Southeast have led to the deaths of innocent Biafrans. These atrocities, committed by him and his followers, are being blamed on IPOB, in an attempt to implicate Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in crimes he has never condoned. The Nigerian government has eagerly seized this opportunity, using Ekpa as a tool to justify their violent repression of IPOB and the wider Biafran struggle.

One cannot help but ask: does Simon Ekpa even have the spirit of humanity within him? What kind of evil spirit possessed him, driving him to betray his own people? He has become an agent of destruction, leading the very people he claims to fight for into the hands of their enemies. His betrayal of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the entire Biafran movement is unforgivable. Ekpa’s willingness to kill, incite, and destroy in the name of freedom shows that he no longer fights for Biafra but for something far darker.

His collaboration with the Nigerian government is now obvious to all. Every violent action initiated by Ekpa and his followers is quickly attributed to IPOB, feeding the false narrative that IPOB is a terrorist organization. The Nigerian state, always eager to suppress Biafra’s call for self-determination, has found in Ekpa a willing accomplice. Together, they aim to discredit Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and to weaken the unity of the Biafran people.

But the truth cannot be hidden. IPOB, under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the DOS, has always been committed to a peaceful struggle for self-determination. It is clear that Simon Ekpa, in his hubris, has become a puppet of forces that want to see the Biafran dream shattered. He claims to fight for Biafra, yet his actions bring nothing but pain and suffering to the Southeast.

The evil spirit that has consumed Simon Ekpa was born the day he thought he could act without the DOS—the day he believed that his own ambitions were greater than the collective wisdom of the movement. He abandoned the very principles that IPOB stands for, principles that have guided Biafrans in their quest for freedom and justice. His betrayal is not just of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, but of the entire Biafran people.

In the words of an Igbo proverb, *"Onye kwe, chi ya ekwe"*, meaning if a person agrees, so does their spirit. Simon Ekpa agreed with evil the day he decided to forsake the structure of IPOB and follow his own destructive path. The spirit that now drives him is not one of liberation, but of chaos and destruction. He no longer acts for the people but for his own selfish interests, manipulating the Biafran struggle for personal gain.

It is tragic to see how far he has fallen. What kind of man kills his own people in the name of giving them freedom? What kind of leader thrives on the blood of the innocent? Simon Ekpa’s actions defy reason and morality. His behavior reflects not the spirit of a freedom fighter but the spirit of a man consumed by darkness.

But no matter how much destruction Simon Ekpa causes, the Biafran spirit will remain unbroken. IPOB, under the divine leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the DOS, is a movement ordained by God. No evil, no betrayal, can destroy what God has instituted. Simon Ekpa’s actions may bring temporary pain, but the Biafran cause is destined for victory.

Let us remember the words of another Igbo proverb, *"Ihe onye metere chi ya, ka chi ya ga-eme ya"*, meaning whatever a man does to his god, his god will do back to him. Simon Ekpa’s betrayal of IPOB and his people will not go unpunished. His evil deeds will return to him, for the justice of the Biafran cause is unstoppable.

In the end, the truth will prevail. Simon Ekpa may think he is powerful, but his power is built on lies and bloodshed. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu foresaw this evil, and despite Ekpa’s betrayal, the Biafran movement remains strong. IPOB’s mission is guided by truth, and that truth will ultimately expose and defeat the darkness that now possesses Simon Ekpa.

Family Writers's Press International

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