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The Making Of WW3: 6 Things The Indigenous People of Biafra Want Africans To Know About The Looming War

 The Making Of WW3: 6 Things The Indigenous People of Biafra Want Africans To Know About The Looming War An Igbo adage says that one who doe...

 The Making Of WW3: 6 Things The Indigenous People of Biafra Want Africans To Know About The Looming War

An Igbo adage says that one who does not know where the rain started beating him, will never know where it stopped. It is extremely imperative for us as a people to fully understand international politics and issues before contributing to it. Given that African lives were sacrificed through deliberate deception and misleading information during world wars 1 and 2, it is highly unlikely that history will not repeat itself unless Africans become actively engaged and properly informed in the current global economic, social and political crisis. Africa must step up and take her destiny. And to do so, there are 6 basic information essential to Africans that the indigenous People of Biafra want memorized.

Number one: Africans must understand the actors and their allies in this current global crisis. While there are crisis across the globe, there exists two wars with the potential for going nuclear. The war between Russia/Ukraine on one hand and the Isreal/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran war on the other hand. The protagonists of the two wars, Russia, Isreal are nuclear possessors. In the war between Russia/Ukraine, the United States of America and her European and NATO alliance, including France, United kingdom, Australia and Isreal are supporting Ukraine. Whereas China, North Korea and Iran are openly supporting Russia. There are many other countries including India that are neutral and seeking peace because of other economic relationship with Russia such as the BRICS economy.

Number Two: There is only one country in this world with a Foreign Policy Document that says quote: “As long as Africa exists, its existence is to serve us as a source of mineral resources/raw material. It will be a national security risk to allow any African country to develop infrastructurally.” The country with this Foreign Policy Document is non other than the United States of America, USA. This foreign policy is the foundation or bedrock of how US and her European and NATO alliance interact with Africa and it is ironclad. A simple example is the two rail systems built by China and the USA. China built a train station connecting Nairobi to the port of Mombasa in Kenya. Compare that to US that built one from Limpopo port in Tanzania through the forest and away from habitation to mining sites in Congo. This example shows that once China is involved, it is usually (but not always) to make economic impact to the locals. This means that the Chinese are no saints but, in comparison to the Americans, are better partners.

Number Three: The Berlin Conference of 15 November, 1884 to 26 February, 1885 ratified the invasion of Africa. It was a conference that enabled and empowered sea pirates, land grabbers and criminals to exploit Africa. Africans must always remember that the United States of America and her European allies were the beneficiaries. That conference unveiled the sociopathic and psychopathic nature of the British, French, Americans and the collective west. That conference heralded colonialism.

Number Four: As the wind of independence blew across Africa, many visionaries rose to ensure quality leadership for Africa. Many selfless leaders emerged. Sadly, the US and the other members of 5 Eyes Countries of New Zealand, Canada, United kingdom and Australia, together with their NATO alliance facilitated assassination, kidnap and torture, and murder of Africa’s best leaders. The CIA and MI6 collaborated and coordinated with other western intelligence assets to deny Africa visionary leadership of Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Nelson Mandela, Moumar Gaddafi, etc. Recently, they have conspired to kidnap, torture and rendition Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB. They continue to organize coup d’etat, fund opposition and make African countries ungovernable.

Number Five: Most Africans consider religion first when making judgements. This ought not to be. Religion is different from Spirituality; all the religion in Africa are alien and have no connection to African spirituality. Therefore, religion is secondary. The primary basis for making a judgement/decision is interest. In other words, what black Africa stands to gain must always come first before religion. The reliance on religion hinders and interferes with free judgement devoid of emotions.

Number Six: The US and her allies control the unipolar payment system called SWIFT which is built around the dollar. A useless paper that lacks substance and real value. The BRICS economy is a new payment system championed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It is a new payment system that when operational will introduce multipolar payment system. Its core objective is to promote local currency backed by raw materials such as gold. It is a project that US and NATO want dead on arrival because it challenges their economic dominance. Hence, the current instigation of wars left, right and center.

In conclusion, while Israel and Iran are at a crossroad, Africans are divided in support based on religion. This is very unfortunate. For Biafrans, although Israel has never directly undermined them, their alliance with US, UK, France and NATO says a lot about them and their priorities. You can not wine and dine with those responsible for Africa’s downfall and expect an outstanding ovation. You can not be an ally with those responsible for the kidnap, torture and continued illegal incarceration of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu against the order of a competent court of jurisdiction and expect to command respect. Africans, and indeed Biafrans, must set their priorities right. We must play international politics according to benefits to motherland not religion.

Family Writers Press International

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