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USAID Shutdown: How Trump’s Executive Order Will Assist IPOB In Winning The War Against Terrorism

USAID Shutdown: How Trump’s Executive Order Will Assist IPOB In Winning The War Against Terrorism  In the spirit of self-determination, Mazi...

USAID Shutdown: How Trump’s Executive Order Will Assist IPOB In Winning The War Against Terrorism 

In the spirit of self-determination, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's vision in establishing the Eastern Security Network (ESN) is solely to safeguard the cultural and existential integrity of the Biafran people against what he perceives as the coercive imposition of a singular ideological and religious framework by external forces— the Fulani Jihadists.

These terrorists come with terror and violence, instilling fear on the vulnerable, taking over lands and properties, killing and impoverishing the local communities in perpetuity.

But one would ask, how do these terror groups get funded?

Who provides them with the resources and sophisticated weapons with which they carries out their outlawed operations?

Reports and investigations have pointed out that the United States Agency for International(USAID) has inadvertently or through oversight, funded organizations with links to terrorism. For example, the Middle East Forum(MEF) has documented that USAID, along with the State Department, has directed hundreds of millions of dollars to organizations with ties to designated terrorist groups. This includes funding to entities like the Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF), which is connected to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a banned terrorist group in Pakistan.

Allegations of the same foreign agency’s complicity in the funding of the ISIS and ISWAP terror groups have recently made waves on the internet, sparking speculations from debaters.

The Biden administration have been accused of creating the enabling grounds for these funding schemes. 

A couple of days ago, the Nigerian Army Chief Of Defense Staff, General Christopher Gwabin Musa while speaking to the media correspondent in Aljazeera, exposed the complicity of foreign no Non-governmental Organisations(NGOs) who claim to be neutral while treating wounded Boko Haram terrorists. General Musa questioned the legitimacy of such neutrality where foreign agencies chooses to take care of those who are known to be killers and perpetrators of terrorism, instead of aiding to hold them to justice. 

Of a certainty, a dig deeper into investigations would simply reveal the links between these NGOs and the USAID in aiding and abetting the continuous terrorist activities of the Miyetti Allah terror gangs, as well as the Boko Haram and ISIS in West Africa.

What happens if President Trump's Administration cuts off these funding networks?

Well, your guess is as good as mine. Resources will of course cease to flow through to them, resulting to the halting of their intensive outlawed operations. 

This comes to say that when intentional leaders like President Tump severs the connections and entities that facilitate crimes, it is not only a method but a moral imperative for eradicating such acts, as it addresses the root of criminal perpetuation.

The Eastern Security Network, under the command of the IPOB Directorate of State now has the obligation to get rid of the remnant of the terrorist elements within its territories, with the assured hope that the morale powers of these groups are being weakened by Trump’s executive orders and administrative strategies.

Family Writers Press International

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